During my University studies I got fascined about the Marketing dinamics that characterize the B2B markets. The importance of personal relationships with the customers, the complexity in the decision making process, the buying criteria and the customer segmentation are just a few elements that make the industrial context pretty different from the customer one (where all of us have at least an experience as final user).
This is why I decided to write my Master's thesis in B2B Marketing as I really wanted to understand better the promotional approach that B2B companies could use to market their products or services and how they should reason in terms of strategy. In particular, I wanted to find out how Digital Marketing (my main love!) and all those strategies that involve somehow the use of Internet - so popular and in use on B2C markets - could be profitable also for B2B companies.
And here I went, writing my 215 pages thesis (yeah I am quite proud of myself haha). After my graduation, based on my Master's thesis, I published even an ebook: I am really glad (and excited) to present you 'But first, let me tweet it' :)
As I briefly mentioned before, the objective of the ebook basically consists in demonstrating how the Digital Marketing can actually represent an important economical opportunity for B2B companies and how it should evolve from being just an occasional and optional activity to rather a strong and structured practice.
After providing a theoretical overview of the B2B market and B2B (online and offline) Marketing practices – the research draws attention to the analysis of the online profile of some B2B European and American companies to assess whether successful experiences of a Digital Marketing application are effectively present on the market. Finally, before formulating my conclusions, I verified the truthfulness of the collected results through further investigations, involving a different context: some B2B companies with specific characteristics are taken into consideration and directly interviewed through the compilation of a questionnaire.
If you are interested in Digital Marketing and want to find out more about its application in B2B markets then I invite you to have a look to my ebook: you can find it on Amazon and on all the other platforms! I will be more than happy to know generally speaking what you think about this topic and, in case you will read it, about my ebook :)